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Personnel Screening – Employee Checks

The accepted estimate for replacement cost of a bad hire is 1.5 to 3.5 times the salary of the job in question

-MICA Consulting Partners

The hit ratio in ITES/BPO/KPO is among the highest. Employment discrepancies have doubled in the last 6 months in the same market segment.

Hyderabad, Delhi & Bangalore are the 3 highest contributors to negative reports.

Mumbai & Chennai is the close fourth.

75% of IT security incidents are caused from within the company not by hackers.

-Gartner Group

70% of employee theft is committed by repeat offenders


63% of the 600,000 convicted felons released into the workforce each year will commit another serious crime within 3 years

95% of companies are victims of theft and only 10% discover it

Occupational fraud and abuse costs organizations about $600 billion a year, or roughly 6% of gross revenues

- The Association of Certified Fraud Examiners